Homilies & Reflections
A Reflection on the Sorrowful Mysteries
The sorrowful mysteries are a prayer to remind us that Jesus loved us so much that he died on the cross for us. In praying the sorrowful mysteries, we can appreciate the mystery of Christ’s passion and death, and how it applies to our own lives. First Mystery: The...
Prayer- Just Be There
(An extract from the book Finding Your Hidden Treasure by Fr Benignus O'Rourke.) The prayer of silence and stillness is widely promoted as a cure for modern life's frenzy. And it may be that this is what first draws us to it. But as we grow to love this...
How I respond when people say, “God isn’t real because…”
A Year 12 Pupil at St Patrick's College reflects on her faith and how she responds to difficult questions it poses. What do you say to people when they declare the words “God isn't real because...”? This is a contentious subject for me, but I have a few arguments...